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Spelling M-A-G-I-C [GAIA NOVA]

David W. Black

Dear friend,

Do you believe in magic?

Magic is a term of controversy, often articulated as a form of superstition or illusion or both. But the root of magic, “magi,” implies the opposite of illusion. The magi of ancient Persia were actively dedicated to unveiling reality from illusion through the study of plants, planets, and elements. Their understanding of the sciences are foundational to modern science, and through the passage of time and by the convergence of cultures, the concept of reality and its transformation has become closely associated with language.

And so we spell our words, in a way much like the way spells are conjured. With attention and intention, the vibrations of emotion become acoustic vibration when combined with the power of mind. Ideas and feelings are spoken from within to without and the world around us absorbs them; The minds of the people around us can change based on the words we choose, and the endless cycle of action and reaction can be altered by our ability to speak.

Since the dawn of the internet, the world has been undergoing a process of unprecedented change at an overwhelmingly rapid rate. With the forum of expression broadening to the digital sphere, communication of ideas has become global and instantaneous, bringing people across the Earth together and encouraging them to speak with each other, actively spelling a new reality with every conversation.

Children of Gaia Nova seeks to influence the conversations of our global culture with an attitude of hope and excitement. Despite the hardships induced by darkness which we now observe around the world, it is part of a mysterious process of rebirth unlike any humankind has ever experienced. Longstanding paradigms are shifting, and though these shifts appear as tectonic plates shaking empire’s structures into rubble, there is something magical happening in humanity’s favor which we have long been longing for. It is our aim to share this gnosis with the world.

There is a lovely woman by the name of Laurel Airica, whose effort to change the way people view the English language is taking form through community gatherings. Her vision, Word Magic Global, is a masterful movement toward a consciously literate world, where all of humanity takes charge of the English language “by collectively evolving a new language of the heart that inspires the best in us all.”

With Love,

David W. Black

Children of Gaia Nova

gaia nova

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